Table of Contents ( Volume 5, No. 3 (19)


1. Editorial
The management of the time factor, ec. Ioan Abrudan - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
2. Synthesis
A world market: the university and the future elites Munteanu - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Entrepreneurship education in european universities
Prof. Eng. Liviu Marian, Ph. D. - “Petru Maior” University of Târgu-Mureş
Companies’ adjustment to a changing environment Radu Stanciu - „Politehnica” University of Bucharest
With “Meşterul Manole”, to the management of the Romanian cultural area (first part) Radu Lupan -  Manager “Electrica” Baia Mare
Scientific debate on Hofstede’s theory
Lecturer ing. Ion Voicu Sucală - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
3. Studies and researches
The informatical management of the buildings-assembly works, managed by modern enterprises Titi Turcoiu - „Politehnica” University of Bucharest – CPRU, Ş George Căruţaşu - Romanian-American University, Dr.Ec. Constantin Drăgan - SC Proiect Bucureşti SA
The access to financing – a major obstacle for the Romanian SMEs
Asist.jur.drd. Roxana Carmen Cordoş - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
The analyses of the impact of fiscal roles in a decentralized system (first part)
Lector dr. Lăcrămioara Haiduc, Lector dr. Bianca Florentina Preda – „Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest
Balanced Scorecard – a modern instrument in Management
Lector dr. Alexandra Muţiu, Conf. dr. Adriana Tiron Tudor - University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
Performance in business – the case of Joly
Gabriela Gavril, Associate Professor Silvia Avasilcăi, D.Sc. - The Technical University „Gh. Asachi” of Iaşi
4. Methodology
Community development through internship programs for students
Cordelia Bădescu - Danis Foundation for Management Development
Coupling nut family’s processing in flexible manufacturing system with the help of industrial robot - TTRTR1 Silviu Mihai Petrişor, Călin Ciprian oţel - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Some cultural bench-marks of the public institution management (1)
Imola Antal - „Petru Maior” University of Târgu-Mureş
The orientation towards the customer – the key of success in marketing and a principle of quality management Alexandrina Megyesi, Avia Carmen Morar - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

5. Students debute

Viziune personală asupra conceptului managerial
Masterand Alexandru Dascălu - “Petru Maior” University of Târgu-Mureş
6. Training programs
Studii Postuniversitare - Specializarea Management
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Studii Postuniversitare - Specializarea Marketing
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
7. Pages dedicated to AUF
Proiectul colocviului consacrat celei de-a zecea aniversări a IFAG, 15-17 noiembrie 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria

8. Case studies

The ergonomics approach of one masquerade costume worn at a winter tradition Violeta Firescu - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
9. Signal
10. Reviews
An expected publication: „Human Resources Management” Dan–Maniu Duşe, lector dr. Carmen-Sonia Duşe - "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu
11. Personalities
Function and cost in value engineering – L. D. Miles’concept Mariana Cărean - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

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