Table of Contents
( Volume 8, No. 1A (31) )
Cover |
KAIZEN implementation to reduce
production loss (waste)
Constantin Bungău,
Ioan Lucaciu, Rareş
Pancu, Macedon
Ganea – University of Oradea
Application achievement for
educational institution
strategic plan designing |
Prof. Carmen Duşe, Prof. Sorin
Borza –„Lucian Blaga" University
of Sibiu |
The university entrepreneurship
education |
Prof. Monica Izvercianu, Prof.
Anca Drăghici –Politehnica
University of Timişoara |
Quality Gates: a powerful tool
for new product projects |
Hortensia Gorski –
Romanian-German University of
Sibiu, Prof.dr. Luigi Dumitrescu
–"Lucian Blaga" University of
Sibiu, Asist. Mircea Fuciu –
Romanian-German University of
Sibiu |
Considerations on emotional
intelligence and occupational
stress in a footwear producing
company | Liviu-Ion Roşca, Valentin Grecu –
„Lucian Blaga" University of
Sibiu, Laura Felicia Bălan –
Individual Medical Cabinet – Dr.
Bălan Laura |
Education qualification and
certification of integrated
design engineers |
Prof. George Drăghici, Prof.
Anca Drăghici –Politehnica
University of Timişoara,
Integrated Engineering Research
Centre, Dr. Andreas Riel, Prof.
Serge Tichkiewitch – Grenoble
University of Technology, G-SCOP
Laboratory, France, Dr. Richard
Messnarz – ISCN GmbH, Austria
Education and continuous
formation of human resources in
sustaining the human capital
Prof.dr. Cătălina
Bonciu – University of
Bucharest, Prof.dr. Gheorghiţa
Căprărescu –„Dimitrie Cantemir"
Christian University |
New strategies to improve the
engineering learning process |
Cristina Mohora –Politehnica
University of Bucharest, Şef Oana Andreea Călin
– Hyperion University of
Bucharest, Student Laura Mohora
– Academy of Economic Studies
from Bucharest |
Considerations regarding
reliability estimate of
fatigue-subjected products | Călin Deneş, Valentin Grecu
–„Lucian Blaga" University of
Sibiu |
The lie – a communication
problem? |
Prof. Daniela Luminiţa Avrigean
– Art High School of Sibiu,
Prof.dr. Liviu-Ion Roşca
–„Lucian Blaga" University of
Sibiu |
Creating competitive advantage
through technological
convergence |
Conf. dr. Gheorghe Militaru –Politehnica
University of Bucharest |
Practical teaching of students
in Lucian Blaga University
compared to American
universities |
Lector dr. Daniela Roxana Andron,
Lector dr. Victoria Gabriela
Gruber –„Lucian Blaga"
University of Sibiu |
Industry of extracting the coal
and its role in assuring the
energetic security of Romania
Şef, ec. Diana
Cornelia Csiminga, Şef, ec. Sorin Iuliu
Mangu – University of Petroşani
The risk in business – a reality
in past, present and future |
Şef Iuliana Grecu, Ileana Ghiţă – "Politehnica"
University of Bucharest |
Approaches in the assessment of
mining projects |
Şef, ec. Sorin
Iuliu Mangu, Şef,
ec. Diana Cornelia Csiminga –
University of Petroşani |
and design: first year learning
and development |
Dr. Daniela Pusca, Dr. Edwin
Kwan Lap Tam – University of
Windsor, Canada |
OEE – a key of stabilizes the
production | Ana Rotaru –
University of Piteşti |
Human resources in the context
of the new public management.
The case study of a University
Research Center |
Drd Diana Mariana Dumitrescu
–National School of Political
Studies and Public
Administration, Dr. Gabriela
Beatrice Nica –Politehnica
University of Bucharest |
Top |