Table of Contents ( Volume 8, No. 2 (32) )


1. Editorial
Change and strategy, ec. Ioan Abrudan – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
2. Synthesis
Leadership and organizational wellness Constantin Oprean, Mihaela Alina Vanu – "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu
Value engineering in the present economic context Mariana Cărean, Alexandru Cărean – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Aspects regarding the industrial policy evolution within the European Union
Conf.dr. Anica Iancu, Conf.dr. Luminiţa Popescu, Conf.dr. Virgil Popescu – University of Craiova
Culture, management and entrepreneurship Dan Lungescu – "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, Ioan Mihuţ –"Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University of Bucharest
The social impact of nongovernmental organizations
Prof.dr. Anca Borza, Prof.dr. Răzvan Nistor, Asist.drd. Ovidiu Bordean, Asist.drd. Cătălina Mitra – „Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca
The role of technology in developing competitive clusters
Lector dr. Raluca-Irina Clipa – „Gh. Zane" University of Iaşi
3. Studies and researches
Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in financial forecasting Corneliu Neagu, Ing.drd. Ecaterina Diaconu – Politehnica University of Bucharest
Are managers able to apply the "Total Cost of Ownership" (TCO Analysis) during economic and financial crisis?

Conf.dr. Hortensia Gorski, Lector dr. Alina-Teodora Ciuhureanu – Romanian-German University of Sibiu

In evolution comparative analysis of the unemployment phenomenon Romania vs. European Union
Lector dr. Sanda Constantin, Lector drd. Dana Adriana Lupşa-Tătaru – Transilvania University of Braşov
Particular aspects regarding the management of taxes and duties
Lector dr. Mihaela-Brînduşa Tudose – „Gh. Zane" University of Iaşi
The influence of globalization on the Romanian market and consumer
Lector dr. Marieta Stanciu, Lector dr. Carmen Puiu, Lector dr. Mădălina Mangra – University of Craiova
Identifying the strategic problems of Cluj-Napoca based on the cluster analyses (First part)
Drd. Bogdan Lucian Blaga, Drd. Alexandra Cristina Pop, Şef lucr.dr.jur. Roxana Carmen Cordoş – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Landmarks in the evolution of marketing and their significance to the Romanian enterprise
Drd. Nicolae Liviu Pop – Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
Researches of cultural marketing
Drd. Carmen Maria Trif,, ec. Laura Bacali – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
4. Methodology
Prevision scenarios of perspective evolution of Romanian naval industry using Decision Trees

Şef, ing. Carmen Gasparotti – „Dunărea de Jos" University of Galaţi

The role and the importance of effective listening in organizational communication

Şef, ec. Ancuţa Bălteanu – University of Piteşti

Investment decisions in goods distribution companies’ system under risk and incertitude conditions, ing. Felicia Adriana Lupu – Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
The strategic management of small and medium enterprises between theory and practice Iulian Tărăboanţă – „Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi
Innovation in negotiation Adrian Lupu – Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
5. Students Debute
Responsability – first step towards change?
Mihaela Boca – 4th  year student, Economic Engineering – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
6. Pages dedicated to AUF
Analyse de la contrefaçon au Congo Brazzaville: le cas des postes téléviseurs (Partie I)
Moyo Nzololo – Laboratoire du Centre de Recherche en Economie et Management « CREM », Université de Caen (France), Roger Armand Makany – Université Marien NGOUABI , ESGAE (Congo Brazzaville)
7. Cases
Déjà Vu Pension–Hotel – impact of communication techniques on unit’s development
Asist.drd. Dan Cristian Dabija, Asist.drd. Ioana Nicoleta Abrudan –„Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca
8. Signal

9. Reviews

The successful teacher
Lector Violeta Firescu – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
10. Personalities
Contributions of William Edwards Deming on quality management
Drd. Andreea Măriuca Rus – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

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