Table of Contents ( Volume 8, No. 3 (33) )


1. Editorial
Contradictions and ambiguities in the concept of corporate social responsibility, ec. Ioan Abrudan – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
2. Synthesis
Present and future problems in the management of the financial-accounting activity which can be solved by implementing the new informational technologies

Lector dr. Alina-Teodora Ciuhureanu, Conf.dr. Hortensia Gorski – Romanian-German University of Sibiu, Prof.dr. Nicolae Baltes – „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu

Monetary-financial crises, perverse social-economic structures
Conf.dr. Gabriela Bodea – „Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca
Tourism management and its importance in minimizing the impact of climate change
Conf.dr. Constanta Enea – „Constantin Brâncusi” University of Târgu-Jiu
Information sources of organizational communication that require effective listening
Sef Ancuta Bălteanu – University of Pitesti
Work systems – past, present and future (I) Florian Buse – University of Petrosani, Luminia -Tamara Lăzăroniu – Rosko Textil - Curtici Arad Free Zone

3. Studies and researches
Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to predict the evolution of consumer loans of the population Corneliu Neagu, Ecaterina Diaconu – University Politehnica of Bucuresti

Working conditions in Romania-achievements and challenges Mariana Cărean, Alexandru Cărean – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Costs and efficiency in the mining industry
Sef, ec. Diana Csiminga, Sef, ec. Sorin Mangu – University of Petrosani
Poiana Brasov, a winter resort unaffected by important fluctuation of tourism demand in 2008
Lector dr. Ruxandra Cruceru – “George Baritiu” University of Brasov
Romanians lifestyle in knowledge based economy
Asist.drd. Ileana Hauer, Prof.dr. Gheorghe Gh. Ionescu – West University of Timisoara
Change and the need for change Tudor Irimias, Adrian Pîslă – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Researches of cultural marketing Carmen Maria Trif – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Silvia Avasilcăi – „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,, ec. Laura Bacali – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
The Swedish Model – the third way of socio-economical development (I) Radu St. Lupan – North University of Baia-Mare
Tourism and technology Roxana-Mirela Găzdac – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
The hypothesis of the European commission regarding the budget deficit - the character of the BNR new standards regarding the credits granting because of the global financial crisis
Drd. Anca-Ioana Bumbeneci – University of Craiova, Ec.Bank Natixis Asset Management Paris - France

4. Methodology

Communications skills in business
Lector dr. Carmen Gabriela Secară – University of Pitesti
Theoretical approaches on the relationship between state and MNC’s

Lector Valentina Golea, Lector Mihaela Ionescu, Nicoleta Niculescu, Beatrice Leustean – University Politehnica of Bucuresti

Statistics tests used in data analysis
Lector drd. Manuela Rozalia Gabor – “Petru Maior” University of Târgu-Mures
Investors’ behaviour in relation to dividend policy and its effects on the enterprise

Drd. Mircea Tiberiu Ducai – „Babes – Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca

5. Students Debute
Ethic in business – the success key or the road to mediocrity?

Ancuta Alexandra Filip – 2nd year student, Economic Engineering – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

6. Pages dedicated to AUF
Analyse de la contrefaçon au Congo Brazzaville: le cas des postes téléviseurs (Partie II)

Moyo Nzololo – Laboratoire du Centre de Recherche en Economie et Management « CREM », Université de Caen (France), Roger Armand Makany – Université Marien NGOUABI, ESGAE (Congo Brazzaville)

7. Cases
Case study. Calculation of costs at Mechanics S.A. – Order based method, ec. Doru Fărcas – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

8. Signal
9. Reviews
Coaching for Performance. Growing people, performance and purpose
Prof.dr. Ionescu Gheorghe, Lector drd. Daniela Istodor – West University of Timisoara
10. Personalities
Frederick Irving Herzberg – “The father of work enrichment” for Human Resources Management Ioana-Alina Ispas, Mihaela Ancuta Mirea – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

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