Table of Contents ( Volume 13, No. 2 (52) )


1. Editorial
The man in the globalized world, in the transition from resource to destination, ec. Ioan Abrudan – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
1.    Synthesis
A new component of products life cycle cost Vladimir Mărăscu-Klein – „Transilvania” University of Braşov
Does SMEs need Balanced Scorecard (BSC)?
Conf.dr. Sorin Adrian Achim – „Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca
Benchmarks for the international competitiveness of Romania
Conf.dr. Mihaela Brînduşa Tudose – „Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi
Causes and symptoms of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) business failure in Nigeria
Olufemi Amos Akinbola – Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, Ojo Olugbenga Abiola – Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, PhD Hakeem Adeniyi Ajonbadi – Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria

2.    Studies and researches

The analyses of the opportunities of young entrepreneurs for starting their first business
Ș.l.dr.jur. Roxana Carmen Cordoş, ing. Roxana Sărmăşan, Simona Georgiana Oprea – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Qualitative research regarding stereotypes, prejudices and perceptions on the Romanian business environment. Italian and German perspectives
Asist.drd. Angelica Căpraru – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Research regarding the impact of the economic legislation on SMEs in Romania (II)
Drd.jr. Cristian Laurenţiu Pinte – Sports and Youth Department Hunedoara County, Dr. Mihai Octavian Naghiu – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Dr. Nicoleta Ignat – „Politehnica” University of București
Comparative study regarding the assurance of quality in pre-universitary educational institutions
Drd. Ancuța-Georgeta Perde, Dana-Valeria Bonca, Prof. dr. ing. Liviu Morar – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Concept of competence - clarification and meanings
Drd. Cristina Stan – Middle School "C. Giurescu Chiojdu", Buzău county
Building brand identity and luxury brand research in fashion industry
Drd. Dana Teodora Dragonici – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Analysing the efficienty of Facebook’s post types Tudor Niciporuc Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Incursion in the Romanian property management software market
Drd. Cassandra Victoria Bordeanu Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
3.    Methodology
Forecasting –the SME’s performance incentive enhancer
Ş.l.dr. în ec., ing. Daniela Popa – „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
Research on the innovation methods used in the SMEs in Romania’s center development region Gheorghe Burz – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Liviu Marian – „Petru Maior” University of Târgu-Mureș
Social marketing and corporate social responsibility: two concepts related to sustainable development Georgiana Simona Oprea, Ș.l.dr.jur. Roxana Carmen Cordoş – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Quality control based on the FMEA process
mcs Gabriel Cristian Gruber, Constantin Dumitrescu – „Politehnica” University of Timișoara
Perspectives on the power distance dimension
Drd. Alina Aida Drăgan, Drd. Cassandra Victoria Bordeanu – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Management of stakeholders including shareholders
Drd. ing. Paul Rusu – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
4.    Students Debute
The management's taste seen through the taste bud of a student
Anca-Ştefania Vaida – I year student, Industrial and Economic Engineering, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
5.    Cases
Study regarding current status of neuromarketing research in third millenium Anca-Alina Moldovan,,ec. Elena-Simina Lakatos,,ec. Laura Bacali – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Ms. Oana-Bianca Bercea – „Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca
6.    Signal
7.    Reviews
World challenge: Japanese management
Prof.dr. Camelia-Cristina Dragomir,, Stelian Pânzaru –“Spiru Haret” University
8.    Personalities
The role of Cornel (Corneliu) Diaconovici in the organization of the autonomic control of the Romanian banks from Transylvania and the institution of expert revisers (1887-1906) Ioan Constantin Rada, Ş Liliana Doina Măgdoiu – University of Oradea, Ec. Ioana Carmen Rada – National Bank of Romania - Bihor Agency

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