Table of Contents
( Volume
13, No.
4 (54) )
Cover |
1. Editorial |
Individual and society |
Prof.dr.ing., ec.
Ioan Abrudan – Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca
Synthesis |
What you need to know about
coaching |
Dr. habil Edit
Szűcs, Dr. Péter Papp, Dr.
Andrea Emese Matkó – University
of Debrecen, Faculty of
Engineering, Department of
Engineering Management and
Enterprise |
Study regarding the impact of
sector operational programs on
training and professional
development of human resources
in Romanian tourism |
Conf.dr. Luminița
Popescu, Conf.dr. Anica Iancu,
Conf.dr. Tomiță Vasile, Conf.dr.
Virgil Popescu – University of
Craiova |
Experiences in sales of the EU
cereal intervention stocks in
Hungary |
Judit Nógrádi –
University of Pannonia,
Georgikon Faculty, Doctoral
School of Management Sciences
and Business Administration
Studies and
researches |
Research of marketing regarding
the students' opinion about
presidential election on the 2nd
of November 2014 |
Student Alexandru
Vasile Purcea, Șef lucr.dr.ing.
Carmen Maria Mureşan,
Prof.dr.ing.,ec. Laura Bacali –
Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca |
Motivating employees in the
Romanian public service
industry: fieldwork research |
Drd. Gabriela
Rusu, Prof.dr.ing. Carmen Aida
Huțu, Prof.dr.ing. Silvia
Avasilcăi – Technical University
„Gheorghe Asachi” of Iași |
Competitiveness of agritourism
destination in the North West
Region |
Drd. Dana Bonca,
Prof.dr.ing. Liviu Morar, Șef
lucr.dr.ing. Emilia Maria
Câmpean –
University of Cluj-Napoca |
The consumer’s perspective
regarding luxury brands in
Romanian fashion |
Drd. Dana Teodora
– Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca |
An empirical research on open
innovation and co-creation: the
IdeaStorm project by DELL |
Dr.ec. Elena
Lidia Alexa – Arhipelago
Interactive Ltd., Drd.ec. Marius
Alexa – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
of Iași, Prof.dr.ing. Silvia
Avasilcăi – “Gheorghe Asachi”
of Iași |
Exploratory research regarding
knowledge management |
Drd. ec. Ruxandra
Branduşan, Prof.dr.ing., ec.
Laura Bacali, Șef lucr. dr.ing.
Carmen Maria Mureșan, Dr.ing.,ec.
Elena-Simina Lakatos –
Universitatea Tehnică din
Cluj-Napoca |
Top organizations values |
Drd.ing. Emeric
Ovidiu Laposi, Asist.dr.ing.
Ioan Simion Dan – Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca
Methodology |
Probability theory, tool in the
design of the cutting regimes |
Șef lucr.dr.ing.
Călin Ciprian Oțel, Șef
lucr.dr.ing. Emilia Maria
Câmpean, Asist.dr.ing. Ioan
Simion Dan –
University of Cluj-Napoca |
Complementary relationships
between engineering and
management addressing the
critical infrastructure
protection |
Dorel Badea, Prof.dr.ing. Ghiță
Bârsan, Masterand Marian Coman –
"Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces
Academy |
Contingency of the
organizational communication |
Drd.ec. Simion
Cecan – Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca, Prof.dr.ing. Liviu
Marian – „Petru Maior”
University of
Târgu Mureș |
ICAAP a tool for banking
management |
Mcs Gabriel
Cristian Gruber, Prof.dr.ing
Constantin-Dan Dumitrescu – „Politehnica”
of Timișoara |
Tools and methods used in the
supply chain (part I) |
Șef lucr.dr.ing.
Daniel Filip, Asist.dr.ing. Ioan
Simion Dan, Șef lucr.dr.ing.
Călin Ciprian Oțel
– Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca |
Fraud risks in the case of
online public procurement
procedures with a final online
stage, determined by the
legislation gaps and by the
technical deficiencies of the
Drd.ing. Mirela
Violeta Mialțu – Academia de
Studii Economice București
Students Debute |
Manager portrait seen through
the eyes of college freshmen |
Adriana Daniela
– I year student, Industrial and
Economic Engineering, Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca
Cases |
SWOT analysis at SC Lukoil
S.R.L. |
Şef lucr.dr.ing.
Carmen Gabriela Băcilă,
Asist.dr.ing. Ioan Simion Dan,
Ing. Andrei Dohotaru –
University of Cluj-Napoca
Reviews |
The Faculty Monography of
Engineering Technology and
Industrial Management of Brașov |
Prof. dr. ing.
Vladimir Mărăscu-Klein - „Transilvania”
of Braşov
Personalities |
Cornel (Corneliu) Diaconovici’s
(1859-1923) concept about social
solidarity and the pension of
bank clerks |
Ioan Constantin Rada, Şef
lucr.dr.ing. Liliana Doina
Măgdoiu – Universitatea din
Oradea, Ec. Ioana Carmen Rada –
B.N.R. – Bihor Agency |
Top |