Table of Contents
- Volume
15, No.
2 (60)
Cover |
1. Editorial |
Technology as a development
factor in the present
civilization |
Prof.dr.ing., ec. Ioan Abrudan –
Technical University of
2. Synthesis |
Regarding intellectual property
policies in universities and
research centers |
Prof.dr.ing., dr.ec. Mihail
Aurel Țîțu, Prof.dr.ing.
Constantin Oprean, Ec. Andreea
Simina Răulea – “Lucian Blaga”
University of Sibiu |
Innovation. From Schumpeter to
CEN TS 16555-1:2013 (part I) |
Ec.,ing. Raul Florentin Drenţa,
Prof.dr.ing. Mircea Lobonţiu –
Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca, North Center
University Baia Mare |
Working while studying: factors
influencing students seeking a
job in their speciality |
Conf.dr.ing. Bogdan Rusu –
„Gheorghe Asachi” Technical
University of Iaşi |
Cultural perspectives and
features in the context of the
Romanian judicial management
alignment to the European
requirements of quality |
Conf.dr.în ec.,ing.Dan Miricescu,
Drd. Ioana Alexandra Hulpuş –
“Lucian Blaga” University of
3. Studies and
researches |
Benchmarking study on Romanian
innovation system |
Dr.ing. Gheorghe Burz –
Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca, Prof. Dr. Ing.
Liviu Onoriu Marian – „Petru
Maior” University of Târgu-Mureș |
Managing crisis in human
resources - The Chamber of
Commerce and the vocational
education |
Drd. Anca Mihaela Giurgiu –
Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca, Prof.dr.ing. Liviu
Onoriu Marian – „Petru Maior”
University of Târgu-Mureș, Drd.
Ionela Manciu, Drd. Amelia Boros
– Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca |
Change management - a dominant
of the management of
organizations |
Drd.ing. Emeric Ovidiu Laposi, Șef
lucr.dr.ing. Ioan Simion Dan, Șef
lucr.dr.ing. Călin Ciprian Oțel
– Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca |
The dual system in Romania: a
bridge between vocational
education and training and the
labour market |
Drd. Carmen Mureșan, Asist.drd.
Aurel Bărbȋnță – Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca |
Diatopic study regarding
joint-stock companies (JSC) with
local administrative units (LAU)
as majority shareholders |
Drd.ec.,ing. Sabin Siserman, Șef.
lucr.dr.ing. Ioan Simion Dan –
Technical University of
4. Methodology |
Relationships management in a
naval design company |
Conf.dr.ec., dr.ing. Carmen
Gasparotti – „Dunărea de Jos”
University of Galați |
Ensuring the employees support
in implementing the new
competitive strategy |
Asist.dr. Cristian Liviu Vele –
Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca, North Center
University Baia Mare, Prof.dr.
Anca Borza – „Babeș-Bolyai”
University of Cluj-Napoca |
Considerations concerning
quality management application
in the development of the
organizational culture |
Drd.ing. Traian Drăgan,
Prof.dr.ing. Liviu Morar, Șef
lucr.dr.ing. Emilia Câmpean –
Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca |
Investigations regarding the
necessity of implementing an
IPMS within industrial companies |
Dr.ing.,ec. Ramona Pakocs,
Prof.dr.ing. Nouraș Barbu
Lupulescu – „Transilvania”
University of Braşov |
Spiritual marketing: an in-depth
consumer oriented approach |
Drd.ec. Călin Drăgeanu, Șef lucr.
dr.ing. Cristina Fenișer,
Drd.ing. Amalia Badiu –
Technical University of
5. Students
Debute |
Is education a business? |
Frăsănar – I year student,
Industrial and Economic
Engineering, Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca
6. Cases |
Research regarding some ethical
issues in European organizations |
Conf.dr.jur. Roxana Carmen Cordoș
– Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca, Dr. Bogdan Lucian
Blaga – Genpact Romania
7. Signal
8. Reviews |
America the space of management
excellence - review |
Prof.dr.ing. și dr.ec.-mg.
Mihail Aurel Țîțu – „Lucian
Blaga” University of Sibiu
9. Personalities |
Claude Lévi-Strauss – the father
of structuralism |
Asist. drd. Aurel Bărbȋnță, Drd.
Carmen Mureșan – Technical
University of Cluj-Napoca |
Top |