Table of Contents - Volume 22, No. 1 (87



A cross model for academic staff regarding bio plastic

Grațiela Dana Boca, Arzum Isitan, Evren Çağlarer

Learning organisations and learning universities

Bianca Pascu, Florin Lungu, Ilie Dănuț Popa

Increasing online shopping in the COVID-19 period and health effect on couriers

Selma Gezgin, Evren Çağlarer, Filiz Aricak

Labor cost optimization through geographic arbitrage

Vladimir Voicu, Anca Drăghici

The public debt in Albania and its role in the economic development of the country

Klodian Muço

A cross model for industrial workers regarding bioplastic
Grațiela Dana Boca, Evren Çağlarer
Tracing the evolution of digital marketing from the 1980s

Sebastian Bîrzu


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