Table of Contents ( Volume 6, No. 2 (22)


1. Editorial
Flexibility and rigorousness in the managerial approach, ec. Ioan Abrudan - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

2. Synthesis

Integrators for organizational intellectual capital (I)
Prof. univ .dr.dr.dr.h.c. Constantin Brătianu, Asist. univ. drd. Ionela Jianu, Asist. univ. drd. Simona Vasilache - Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
The financial control – key function of management. Premises and stages
Prof.univ.dr. Viorel Lefter, Conf.univ.dr. Costantin Roman, Lector univ.dr. Cleopatra Şendroiu, Lector univ.drd. Aureliana Geta Roman - Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
The highlighting of the international management – a consequence of the firm internationalization
Prof. univ.dr. Dhc Ion Petrescu, Conf. univ.dr. Camelia Ştefănescu - “Spiru Haret” University from Braşov, Conf. univ.dr. Stelian Panzaru - „Henri Coandă” Air Forces Academy, Braşov
Student expectations regarding educational offer in engineering and management specialization – part I,ec. Costache Rusu, Gheorghe Condurache, Bogdan Rusu, Monica Voicu, Luminita Lupu, Cristiana Istrate - „Gh. Asachi” Technical University, Iaşi
Several considerations regarding the application of the european labor health and safety legislation in the constructions domain Petruţa Blaga - "Petru Maior" University Tg-Mureş
Study on knowledge mining used in preventing major accidents or limiting their consequences
Univ. Prof.Eng. Anca Alexandra Purcărea, Ph.D., Univ.Prof.Eng. Lucia Sandovici, Ph.D., Univ.Prof.Eng. Florin Dănălache, Ph.D. - University Politehnica of Bucharest
3. Studies and researches
Fundamental notions regarding the material processing through Kanban processes
Prof. Gheorghe Boncoi, Asistent ing. Magdalena Barbu, Ing.dr. Ionel Novac - University „Transilvania” of Braşov
Customer relationship management based on market research
Drd. Nicolae-Liviu Pop - Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
The well-being at work
Prof. Dr. ing. Mariana Cărean, Conf. Dr. ing. Alexandru Cărean - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Reasoning based on cases, as a technology associated to an expert system
Conf. univ. dr. ing. Sabina Gherghel, Şef de lucr. drd. ing. Liliana Indrie - University of Oradea
Organzational culture – Quinn's model
Şef lucr. Ion Voicu Sucală - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
A management application for human resources. second part – enlisting and selecting the human resource
Prof. dr. ing. Titi Turcoiu - „Politehnica” University of Bucharest – CPRU, Lect. dr. ing. George Căruţaşu - Romanian-American University, ing. Cristinel Viorel  Niţa - SC Amat Security Guard SRL
European integration and the creation of a single model of european management
Ş.l. drd.jur. Roxana Cordoş,, ec., Laura Bacali - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

4. Methodology

Value’s proposal: the overarching business perspective
Ph.D. Jörg M. Elsenbach - Technical University of Munich, Germany and Associate Profesor at the University Transilvania of Brasov, Drd. Masterand Ing. Ulpia – Mihaela Motoc - Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Grenoble, France
Coordinates of combining the production factors in order to increase the electrical plants efficiency
Ph. D. Lecturer Codruţa Dura, Ph. D. Lecturer Claudia Isac - University of Petrosani
New theoretical research for the use of artificial neural network for simulating the writ process
Asist. drd. ing. Constantin Ilie, Ş.l. dr. ing. Lucia Melnic, Asist. drd. ing. Ana-Maria Topalu - Ovidius University of Constanta
The impact of quality management on the Romanian knitwear firms
Ec. Alexandrina Megyesi PhD student – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Types of non-probabilistic sampling used in marketing research
Asist.drd. Manuela Rozalia Gabor - "Petru Maior" University Tg-Mureş
5. Students Debute
Mecanismul pieţei
Vlad Darius Danciu, Ciprian Vasile Oargă - Studenţi an II, Inginerie Economică, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

6. Pages dedicated to AUF

Le rôle de l’entrepreneurait pour le développement de pays en transition économique: le cas de la Bulgarie (I)
Tsvétana Gueorguieva - DESS Création d’entreprises et gestion de projets innovants, Bulgarie
7. Case studies
The ecologic firm, ec. Doru Fărcaş - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
8. Signal
9. Reviews
The business guide to sustainability - practical strategies and tools for organizations
Sef lucr. drd. ing. Violeta Firescu - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
10. Personalities
John Maynard Keynes macroeconomics father Ciprian Cristea - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

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