Table of Contents - Volume 17, No. 1 (67


1. Editorial
In search of performance, ec. Ioan Abrudan – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
2. Synthesis
Concept integration of active management of alternative investment funds portfolios in times of turbulence and crisis Costel Ceocea – University of Bacău, Prof dr ing Mircea Boscoianu – Air Force Academy of Brașov
Understanding change management. A normative approach
Tudor Irimiaș – „Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca
An overview on software and IT services in Romania Anca Alexandra Purcărea, Ş Olivia Doina Negoiţă, Mirona Popescu –Politehnica University of Bucureşti
3. Studies and researches
Particularities of production planning in S.C. AEROSTAR S.A. Valentin Zichil, Cătălin Drob – „Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău
Young Romanian consumers’ opinion on organic food products (II)
Şef lucr.,ec. Adriana Mirela Sava, Ing. Claudia Baldogi,, ec. Georgiana Simona Oprea – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Mechatronics - the foundation of intelligent, sustainable and flexible development in the knowledge-based Europe Daniela Alina Oprea, Drd.fiz. Ioan Vlașin, Vlad Tămaș, Vistrian Mătieș – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
The evolution of the creativity in the European Union
Raluca Andreea Boboc –"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu
Analysis of global Japanese management methods. Use and efficacy
Drd. ing., Karam Al-Akel, Drd. ing., Cristina Veres – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Prof. dr. ing., Liviu Marian – „Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureș
Perspectives in developing the suppliers’ strategy within procurement processes Monica Faur – University of Oradea
Quantitative research on the Romanian and French management styles in north-western Transylvania 
Asist.drd. Aurel Viorel Bărbînţă Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
4. Methodology
Study on the application of MISENIT and STEM methods in determination of the technical level of the machine tools
Șef Călin Ciprian Oțel – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Strategic model based on the net growth of the client portfolio of mature companies
Drd. Victor Tudoran – University of Craiova
The proposal a mathematical model to obtain the minimum cost and time for supply
Șef Daniel Filip – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
AHP and Cobb-Douglas function applied in supply chain risk management
Drd. Ioana Nap – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Determining the number of staff in order to increase the efficiency of human resources and enterprise performance Ovidiu Ioan Burian, Șef Ioan Simion Dan – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
The evolution of time norm in construction companies in Romania
Drd. Vraja Vasile Florin – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

5. Students Debute

Women in management
Eliza Vég – IInd year student, Economic Engineering, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
6. Cases
Comparison-based approach in the valuation of a company,ec. Doru Fărcaș – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
7. Signal
8. Reviews
Company diagnostic and valuation. Part 1 – diagnosis for valuation Dan Cândea – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
9.    Personalities
Juglar Joseph Clément, the inventor of business-cycle theory
Șef Ioan Simion Dan, Drd. Carmen Mureșan, Asist.drd. Aurel Bărbînță – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

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