Table of Contents ( Volume 6, No. 1 (21)


1. Editorial
The management’s long road towards the administration of the universities, ec. Ioan Abrudan - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
2. Synthesis
A knowledge management approach for competitive advantage in higher education
Prof. dr.eng. Călin Florin Băban - University of Oradea
Analysis of financial situation based on balance sheet
Conf .dr. Adriana Tiron Tudor, Lector dr. Alexandra Mutiu - Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
With “Meşterul Manole”, to the management of the Romanian cultural area (third  part)
Lector Radu Lupan -  North University from Baia Mare
Ways of acquiring professional competences
Ş.l. ing. ec. Simona Tripa, Conf. dr. ing. Sabina Gherghel, Ş.l. ing. ec. Sunhilde Cuc, Ş.l. ing.  Liliana Indrie - University of Oradea
Problems of labour force employment in postcommunist Romania
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Vorzsák, Prep. drd Carmen Guţ - Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca 
The main factors that act towards the need to increase the savings of the Romanian population
Lector dr. Sanda Constantin - University „Transilvania” of Braşov
3. Studies and researches
Personnel selection
Drd. ing. Marian Alexandrescu, Prof. dr. ing. Gheorghe Boncoi - University „Transilvania” of Braşov
A model of decisional analysis in maintenance
Eng. Marian Ghinescu – “Lucian Blaga” University  Sibiu
Types of audit in energetic industry
Ph. D. Lecturer Codruţa Dura, Ph. D. Lecturer Claudia Isac - University of Petrosani
Maintenance – an improvement factor of the production systems’ performances Vladimir Mărăscu-Klein, Victoria Toma - University „Transilvania” of Braşov
Internal audit – a general effort for modernizing financial management in the private sector
Lector dr. Lăcrămioara Haiduc, Lector dr. Bianca Florentina Preda – „Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest
An application of the human resources management – Job’s designing
Prof. dr. ing. Titi Turcoiu - „Politehnica” University of Bucharest – CPRU, Lect. dr. ing. George Căruţaşu - Romanian-American University, ing. Cristinel Viorel  Niţa - SC Amat Security Guard SRL
Knowledge management. Students’ satisfaction and supplimentary study
Asist. drd. Dana Adriana Lupşa-Tătaru - University „Transilvania” of Braşov

4. Methodology

The profile of Transylvania as an international tourist destination
Phd student Monica Maria Coroş - Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
The influence of changing in the human resource management
Drd. ing. Livia Anastasiu - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
The corporate social responsibility- condition „sine qua non” of sustainable development Mihaela Bucur - “Petru Maior” University, Târgu Mureş
Aspects regarding e-manufacturing
Drd. ing. Ciprian Cristea - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Considerations concerning internet advertising
Drd. Mihaela Tutunea - Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca
Quality, management and the activity of marketing and ecologic marketing in organizations
Ec. Alexandrina Megyesi, Ph.D. student, Ec. Avia Morar, Ph.D. student – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
5. Pages dedicated to AUF
Monetarisation et epargne dans les pays la zone BEAC (partie II)
Rufin-Willy Mantsie - Université Marien NGOUABI, Brazzaville, Congo
6. Case studies
Does internet solution give VMT competitive advantage?
Drd. Ing. Călin Ciprian Oţel - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
7. Signal
8. Reviews
Memento – the biography of the spiritual time conf. univ. Adrian Petelean, phd
Prof. dr. ing. Ioan Mihuţ - „D. Cantemir” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Cluj-Napoca
9. Personalities
Michael  E.  Porter  and  his  contribution  to  the  strategic  management  theory Sorin Şuteu - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

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