Table of Contents
( Volume 6, No. 2A (23)
Cover |
First Page |
National virtual team’s management and
development. the case of romanian research
network - INPRO |
A/Prof PhD Eng. Anca Drăghici
- Politehnica University of Timişoara, PhD
Eng. Jörg Niemann - USTUTT Universtitaet
Stuttgart, Prof. PhD Eng. George Drăghici -
Politehnica University of Timişoara,
Asist. PhD student Eng.
Felicia Banciu - Politehnica University of
Timişoara |
The globalization of engineering and
technology education |
Prof. PhD. eng. Constantin
Oprean, A/Prof. PhD. eng. Victor Nederita,
PhD. st. eng. Rodica Ciudin, A/Prof. PhD.
eng. Calin Denes, PhD. st. eng. Alina Vanu -
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu |
Another side of the partnership
university-companies: students’ internship |
Prof. PhD. eng. Ioan Bondrea
- „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu,
Ec. Harald Herrmann -
WEIGL Baugruppentechnik GmbH,
Germany |
Integrators for organizational intellectual
capital (II) |
Prof. univ .dr.dr.dr.h.c.
Constantin Brătianu, Asist. univ. drd.
Ionela Jianu, Asist. univ. drd. Simona
Vasilache - Academia de Studii Economice din
Bucureşti |
Classical mathematical approach for gears
and modern technology, an economical
symbiosis |
Horia T. Giurgiuman - Assoc.
Prof. Ph.D., Switzerland,
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Heusch -
OK pat AG |
Innovation, an economical necessity |
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Heusch -
OK pat AG |
Generation of mathematic models for
environmental data analysis |
Ing. Ondrej Popelka, Doc.
RNDr. Ing. Jiri Stastny, CSc. - Faculty of
Business and Economics Mendel University in
Brno, Czech Republic |
Developing an e-business – ways of analyzing
its risks and opportunities |
Valentina Mihaela Ghinea - Academia de
Studii Academice Bucureşti, Mihalache Ghinea
- Politehnica University Bucharest |
Lifelong learning, a requirement of the
modern education |
Prof. PhD. Eng. Mircea Viorel
Drăgoi, Prof. PhD. Eng. Anişor Nedelcu, Ec.
Camelia Bucur - Transilvania University of
Braşov |
Program for continuous forming-developing
of the teaching staff in high schools |
Prof. PhD. Eng. Anişor
Nedelcu, Prof. PhD. Eng. Mircea Viorel
Drăgoi - Transilvania University of Braşov |
Supply chain management- a way to approach
sustainable development of mining industry |
Lecturer PhD stud. ec.
Virginia Băleanu, Lecturer PhD eng. Eduard
Edelhauser, Lecturer PhD eng. Andreea Ionică
- University of Petroşani |
Elements of values management in economic
organizations |
A/Prof. PhD eng.
Sabina Irimie, Lecturer PhD
Andreea Ionică, Ibrian
Cărămidaru - University of Petroşani |
A vision of lean manufacturing production
system |
Prep. PhD student eng. Ana
Rotaru - University of Piteşti, Faculty of
the Mechanic and Technology |
Takt time vs cycle time |
Prep. PhD student eng. Ana
Rotaru - University of Piteşti, Faculty of
the Mechanic and Technology |
Postgraduate management education: a must
for a competitive romanian business
environment |
Associate professor Livia
Ilie, PhD - University Lucian Blaga Sibiu,
Associate professor Alexandra Horobeţ, PhD -
Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest |
Manole the crafstman and leadership |
Lector Radu Lupan - North University from
Baia Mare |
The comparison between course management
systems and learning management systems |
Lector PhD. Lăcrămioara
Rodica Haiduc, “Spiru Haret” University from
Bucarest |
The impact of the automobile on the
environment |
Asist. univ. Florentina
Cristina Bâldan, Prof. PhD. Emilia Ungureanu,
Lect. PhD. Tiberiu Cristian Avrămescu -
University from Piteşti |
Balance of payments on current account in
Romania and Bulgaria |
Academic reader Aivaz
Kamer-Ainur, Academic reader Vancea
Diane-Paula - Faculty of Economic Science,
Ovidius University of Constanta |
The strategic perspectives of the modern
e-learning method |
Lector PhD. Bianca Florentina
Preda - “Spiru Haret” University from
Bucarest |
Modern solutions for the banking
distribution channels: e-banking - strategy,
costs and benefits, security |
Lector PhD. Magdalena
Rădulescu, Lector PhD. Daniela Pîrvu -
University from Piteşti |
New elements of the human resources
management in the organization of the future |
Eng. George Bălan, Jr. Marian
Tudor, PhD. Stud Valeria Pîrlici -
University from Piteşti
Continuous quality improvement using the 5S
method |
As. ing. drd. Nadia Belu,
Lector univ. drd. Maria Daniela Bondoc -
University from Pitesti |
Top |