Table of Contents - Volume 16, No. 3 (65


1. Editorial
The future of management, ec. Ioan Abrudan – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
2. Synthesis
A “Mobility regime” at the working place within the civilization of technology
Oana Ștefana Mitrea, PhD – Project Manager, Silicon Alps Cluster Villach, Part-time Lecturer Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt Graz Wien,, ec. Gabriela Lobonțiu – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North Center University Baia Mare
The evolution of internet of things in knowledge based economy communities Claudiu Pîrnău, Niculae Marinescu, Daniel Ghiculescu –Politehnica University of Bucharest
Lean manufacturing and Romanian culture Cristina Veres (Harea) – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Liviu Marian, Sorina Moica – “Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureș
Enterprising Education (a research on students as agents of change in social entrepreneurship)
Oana Codruţa Găucă, Denisa Drăgan – The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
3. Studies and researches
Comparative analyses regarding business ethics in Romanian and European organizations
Conf.dr.jur. Roxana Carmen Cordoş, Dr. Bogdan Lucian Blaga – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
The potential of cash based ratios in predicting corporate bankruptcy
Daniel Brindescu-Olariu – West University of Timișoara
Young Romanian consumers’ opinion on organic food products (I)
Şef lucr.,ec. Adriana Mirela Sava, Ing. Claudia Baldogi, Georgiana Simona Oprea – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
The importance of the implementation of an informational warning system in case of emergency situations in the south-west Oltenia region
Drd. Constantin Florea – University of Craiova
The disruptive indices of the automotive manufacturing industry Diana Mocanu (Einstein) – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Fundamental elements in the evolution of trading robots Daniel Ioan Ciupe – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
4. Methodology
Cultural barriers model for future manufacturing organization, ec. Gratiela Dana Boca – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Lindita Mukaj – Regional Department of Education, Durres, Albania, Marsida Vishkurti – “Aleksander Moisiu” University, Durres Albania
Software solutions for Project Management
Raluca Andreea Boboc (Nerișanu) –"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu
Insight on German cost accounting - pro und cons
Drd. Magdalena Alina Ilcus – „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Design product learning activities Daniela Alina Oprea – Turda Technical College
5. Students Debute
Applying Lean principles to healthcare
Flaviu Moldovan – IIIrd year student, Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureş
6. Cases
A service marketing case study
Șef lucr. Carmen Maria Mureșan, Drd. arhitect Laura Andrada Bacali – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
7. Signal
8. Reviews
Probability and mathematical statistics with applications to economics
Prof. univ. dr. ing. Viorel Bucur – „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu



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